Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Hello! as i was glancing over your interview i noticed that you are not very humble with your accomplishments, while i am not modest either i control my boasting and make sure that i do not intimidate my fellow artists. perhaps you should do the same.

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  3. Before I say any more M. Haydn, I want you to know that I am a huge fan of your work. I think your Symphony 94 (your "Surprise Symphony" as you like to call it) is very clever--almost as clever as if I had written it myself as part of a play. Not that I am a great musical composer such as yourself, but still, I would love to watch the reactions of your audiences as they are suddenly woken up from whatever slumbers they may have been partaking in!


  4. Bonjour my friends. I myself are too very boasting with my accomplishments and see nothing wrong with it. Why should we hide what we feel inside?

  5. Oh dont feel bad about being confindent in your accomplishments i myself am very! Any ways thats just so sad that you got kicked out of the chior you were in for so long and had to sleep on the bench..I bet it was just filthy!

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  7. Hello Franz, I was just looking through your blog and I just have to tell you I admire your songs. The music you create is unbelievably captivating. The sound of the bows pulling against the strings brings a tear to my eye. "Orlando Paladino" conveys me into another world. "Surprise" unsuprisingly blows me away. "London" pulls out feelings that imprisons the human mind and pulls in your own way Franz. You are without a doubt a very gifted composer.

  8. Ah so we were both born in vienna? Pretty small world eh?
